An exhibition will present the collaborations between the resident houses of le19M and:
— the 10 fashion finalists of the 37th Hyères Festival in 2022, as part of le19M CHANEL Métiers d’art Prize:
Alix Habran Jensen x Lognon
Jenny Hytönen x Maison Michel
Valentin Lessner x Atelier Montex
Fernando Miro & Alizée Loubet x Causse
Priss Niinikoski x Paloma
Sini Saavala x Lemarié
Antonia Schreiter x Ateliers de Verneuil-en-halatte
Lora Sonney x Goossens
Tim Suessbauer x Lesage
Juha Vehmaanperä x Desrues
— the three winners of the 36th Hyères Festival in 2021 exhibited in 2022 at the Villa Noailles Gymanisum:
Capucine Huguet x Desrues
Ifeanyi Okwuadi x Maison Michel et Maison Lesage
Rukpong Raimaturapong x Goossens, Lemarié et Lesage